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Sage 100 What's New

As of version 2018, Payroll has its own version number. The initial 2.0 Payroll release shipped with 2018 (6.0) was 2.17. See the Payroll 2.17 link for the initial 2.0 Payroll changes.

Release notes will contain all enhancements and program fixes for all Product Updates through the last release. Beginning with Sage 100 2014, the What's New document includes enhancements included in Product Updates through the last release. For versions prior to 2015, enhancements from Product Updates can be found in the Release Notes.

Note that only the current release and 2 prior releases are supported by Sage. As of the release of 2023, versions prior to 2021 are no longer supported.

Also note that as of the release of Payroll 2.x, legacy Payroll is effectively no longer supported (tax changes effective in 2020 and later are not supported in legacy Payroll.)

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